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A Drop Of Ink In memory of Henry Morrison Limula

Today I wear my heart on my sleeve to write 'A Drop Of Ink To make A Million Think
In memory of my father Henry Morrison Limula

As I read today's devotion for August 19th by Joyce Meyer's 'Starting Your Day Right' it suddenly hit me that I have not noticed it in all these 13 years that I have had the book - that in fact - that message never meant so much to me personally until now. This article resonates with me a lot especially today as I remember my earthly father Mr. Henry Morrison Limula in whose memory the HML Foundation was established. Although there is no direct co-relation to this day, except the idea that its a devotion on the exact day that my father passed away many years prior, it makes me personally take notice of the significance of those words because there are days when I have questioned my journey with HML 'why' and for 'how long'...Although for the most part I know the answer; sometimes I have felt like giving up. I know that I am probably committing a career suicide wearing my heart on my sleeves writing this article today. In a world where we have to be politically correct and cannot openly declare our affiliation to God. This reminds me in the words of the #PrideofAfrica then ten year old #NatalieWambui who spoke in 2018 about testing your idea and ensuring that you stick to the initial calling of that idea no matter how small and outlandish it may seem. The girl who used the power of words like no other 10 yo I'd ever known... She went on to state the reasons why she writes; among others were; statement such as...

I write to tell you that racism, nepotism. terrorism and tribalism are real. I write to give my opinion. I write to you that all dreams are valid and giving up is not an option.

Fortunately; its articles like Natalie's and Joyce's today our founder Jennifer Nash says; "On my father's actual memorial day that it hits me and I realise that this is not a fleeting idea... that The HML Foundation exists...because it is bigger than myself and my personal capacity. I am just but a vessel here to do accomplish and finish His work apportioned to us...and so as the foundation's tagline rightfully puts it, 'A Drop Of Ink To Make A Million Think, I believe it is no coincidence that just an excerpt of 39 words from Joyce's article today made me jump to attention after struggling all weekend with some self-posed tough questions. As always, I am renewed and motivated when I came across such inspiring words...

Read for yourself her profound words as follows as Joyce downloads the John 4:34 scripture: I believe the Lord wants us to finish whatever He calls us to do, even when it requires patience, perseverance, and hard work. God wants us to grow roots and learn to endure until the fruit of His promise is manifested. Be willing to endure patiently to see God's plan take place in your life.

If God has given you a vision of something, He wants you accomplish, keep doing whatever He has given you to do, even when the excitement for the work is over, and all the goose bumps are gone.

If you don't have a vision, ask God to show you something that you need to do, and commit your work to the Lord until it is completed."

For the risk of sounding preachy and or preaching to the converted; It is my hope that this article does not come across your digital gadgets today as 'just one of those cosy' and motivational (or annoying) articles surfing through the cyber space today. I hope that these words will sink in and take root in your hearts and begin to manifest. Which brings me to the word manifest...! I have been watching the TV series Manifest with interest. The series for those of you that have not watched it is based on Flight 828 that returns five years after it disappeared from the air (I would highly recommend it). Before today, I nearly wrote a review to critique and unpack the series. However, something distracted me and I aborted the mission...but it is interesting to note that this word keeps popping up in my vocabulary now ... I cannot help but to take notice. I will, however, leave you with the below words as some food for thought and your #MondayMotivation

God wants us to grow roots and learn to endure until the fruit of His promise is manifested.

The HML Foundation cannot do this alone. We therefore wish to take this opportunity to thank all the stakeholders (the Zambian-USA and UK donor communities, stock shippers Naresh & Dakshay (formerly One World UK), volunteers, parents, and the countless support and motivation from family and friends- all of whom have cheered us on and supported us in every way possible to achieve this outlandish yet humbling idea of building community libraries in Zambia to #getzambiareading #community #mondaymotivation #celebrating #volunteerism #zambia #books #donors #philanthropy #education #libraries #UNSDGs #Lusaka #SpellingBee #leaderswhoread #wekeepinnovating #innovation #NGO #libraries . Together, we shall accomplish and completely finish His work.

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